The story takes place on earth some time in the far, or possible near future depending upon your thoughts about how quickly we are destroying our planet. The earth has become so polluted, that it is no longer inhabitable. The only thing that is left is one huge junk pile. Wall-E is a little robot that has been left on earth to slowly clean things up in the hopes that one day the human race can return home. Some how after a few hundred years of cleaning, Wall-E has some how managed to develop human like emotional traits. Each day Wall-E, and his little friend (a cockroach) go out to do his job of cleaning, and as he cleans, he picks up little trinkets, as well as replacement parts for himself, but when the day is done, he is all alone on earth. One day a large rocket lands and releases a small futuristic robot named Eva. After a rocky start, Wall-E and Eva become some what friends, but while out one day, Eva finds a tiny plant growing in the ground. She quickly snaps up the plant inside her, and then clams up like a safe while sending out a signal to the mother ship that dropped her off. I will leave the story line alone from here.
The story is original, the scenery is mind blowing, and the film runs the whole gambit of emotions. There are scenes that will have you laughing out of your seat. What can I say? This movie is fantastic in every way. Finding Nemo was a masterpiece, and this movie in the long run may very well out do it.
If you have ever wondered about the company that produces these forever classic movies, I encourage you to watch “The making of” DVD of Finding Nemo. These people are on another planet as far as research, animation, and production goes. They spare NO expense trying to replicate whatever environment the story takes place in, down to the smallest detail. You could basically watch one of Pixar’s movies a hundred times, and still find new things each and every time you see it.
There are so few family movies that every person will thoroughly enjoy, but this is one of them. You can not see this movie without walking out of the theater and wanting to go right back in and watching it a second time.
One final note, before the movie starts, Pixar shows you a quick cartoon called Presto. It’s a “short” about a magician, his magical hat, and his rabbit. This is the funniest things I think I have ever seen in my entire life. There was not a single person in the theater that was not rolling in the Isles.....Be prepared to laugh yourself silly.
My rating for this movie is 9.00 out of 10.00