I came into the Harry Potter phenomenon with the release of the first movie "Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone." I did not understand all the hype concerning J.K. Rowling, and her mysterious main character "Harry" until seeing that first movie. I liked the concept of the movie, and I decided to start reading the books. Once "Chamber of secretes" came out, I read it and finally understood. This is a fun series that captures the minds of children and has them once again interested in actually READING a book! As each new book, and then the following movie was released I must admit, being a child at heart, and having read, and seen all the books and movies so far, I was looking forward the latest addition to the big screen "Order of the Phoenix." I have to preface this whole movie review by saying that "Order of the Phoenix" was not my favorite book. I felt that things had got a little to dark, and serious for kids to find the enjoyment they had once had in the earlier releases. This being said, the time line that is followed from book #1 and movie #1 follows the natural age group of the children that reads said novels as they grow older in age, so the end result is probably just an older child, or young adult getting sucked right back into Harry's world, and being entertained regardless of the story or its outcome.
"Order of the Phoenix" continues with the story shortly after Lord Voldemort (or "The one who must not be named) has been resurrected by his fellow evil followers, and is once again wreaking havoc on Hogwarts, the ministry of magic, and inevitably Harry Potter.
While the movies from this series are now on director #4, and have changed the looks and feel of the movies from episode to episode, the latest director David Yates seems to have really re-captured the true mood and look of what is conveyed in the books written by J.K Rowling. The flyovers of Hogwarts, and the scenes around and in the school, and the surrounding forests, really capture very well the serious dark side of this scary time in Harry Potter's life.
One thing I can give credit to the producers for in this movie and the rest of them is that from day #1 until now they have kept every single actor from the original movie all the way down to some brief momentary walk on spots. This is truly a feet of magic unto itself. I do not know how they managed to keep everyone on board for so long, but congratulations to the people over seeing the casting for these movies, and I hope they continue to do this with the final two movies.
If you are a fan of the books or the movies, this of course will be a "Must see" film, and there are some great scenes as usual. Daniel Radcliff seems to mature as an actor with each year, and each movie, and really does a good job as Harry, as well as his cohorts "Ron Weasley - Rupert Grint, "Hermione Granger" - Emma Watson, and the rest of the crew and staff from Hogwarts.
My rating for this movie is 7.00 out of 10.00
Here is the link for the official web site.
I love harry potter and i've read every book in a day..but i just thought this movie was truly disappointing and not nearly as good as the book.
Thank you for your input. I do appreciate it. None of the movies are truly as good as the books, and in this case you a right but I still enjoyed it. Thanks for dropping by my blog!!
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