In J.K. Rowling’s final installment of the Harry Potter series (book #7) Harry, Hermione, and Ron, are on the run from the death eaters, and of course from you know who. Even speaking you know who’s name will automatically give their location away and they would be caught right then. Professor Dumbledore has given Harry a final task before he died to help aid Harry once and for all destroy Lord Voldemort. Harry and his companions are to locate, and destroy certain objects called Horcrux’s. They are small objects that house small pieces of Lord Voldemort’s soul. If all are destroyed, Voldemort will die forever, and not be able to resurrect himself.
Along the way they are told of the myths that are the “Deathly Hallows.” Secrets about 3 objects that have tremendous powers. #1 turns out to be the invisibility cloak that was handed down to Harry, #2 is a small rock of resurrection, and #3 is the elder wand, which is said to be un beatable in any duel. As with all the books in this series, there are great interactions between the characters throughout the entire story, but as with the last 3 books, the story lines seemed to have grown more darker in nature. Harry with the older he gets, the more serious he gets, and being faced with the single task of being the only person alive that can destroy Voldemort, becomes more and more melancholy. I’m not going to get to into the story anymore then I have because one thing I do not do on my site is play the spoiler, and there is SO much that happens in this book with regards to who does what, who dies, who lives, and so on that I could very quickly mess things up for some one who has not read the book yet.
I will say without a doubt, that J.K. nailed the ending. As with many books and movies these days, the endings are blown so frequently now, that I just expect a bad ending no matter what I watch or read, but the final ending to the final book was great. All loose ends are tied up, all questions are answered, and while the book itself was bitter sweet, the ending left you with a smile on your face, and a sense of good closure. Yes I am a total kid at heart, but from what I hear, I am by no means the only adult reading this series or that has spent time searching the internet trying to find out when the next movie, or book will be coming out. I look forward to the rest of the movies, and I hope they can continue to retain all the major players until the end. That in itself will be one heck of a task. Goodbye Harry you’ll be missed!
My rating for this book is 8.5 out of 10.00
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