Steven Strait plays the main character in this prehistoric story. Other then “Covenant” I can’t really find anything else that he has been in. He is part of a small tribe that hunts Mammoths, for obvious reasons, food, fur, survival. A band of warriors from afar come and take many people from the his tribe, including his love from youth, and try to take them back to be slaves for a supposed God, and his “Project.” I don’t want to go into detail of the project itself, it will be much better for that scene to unfold in front of you without you knowing its coming.
Throughout this movie you get a sense that an epic along the lines of “300,” or “Lord of the Rings,” is trying to unfold, but some how it just never seems to get there. The scenery, landscape, set design, and of course the CG are all top notch, there is no disputing that in any way shape or form, but going back to how the “critics got this one right,” the story itself just seems to drone on as if it’s been done a hundred times before, which in fact it has. Bad guy steals good guys girl, good guy hunts down bad guy, good guy gets girl back. There just isn’t much else to the story line which keeps this very good looking movie from really taking off.
Director Roland Emmerich has a few feathers in his cap, but most are just about this level of quality. It seems as though most of the movies he has been involved with that were better caliber, was when he ended up being executive producer, and not director. That being said, there are a couple of films that are in pre-production with him as director that could certainly be interesting. “Fantastic Voyage” Due out in 2010. “2012” Due out in 2009.
Taking a look back now after seeing this film, I always stop and think, “Did I have fun watching this?” My answer is yes. There were plenty of great scenes to keep you interested throughout the movie, and because of this it is probably worth while catching this one on the big screen instead of waiting for the rental, but the story line just seems to keep this one from really being a great film.
My rating for this movie is 8.00 out of 10.00
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