This is your typically garden variety shoot em up idiocy that Hollywood has produced a thousand times before. A drug deal gone bad, leaves a brief case full of money, a truck full of drugs, and a lot of dead bodies sitting in the middle of no where, with no one to cash in on either. A local bumpkin Llewelyn Moss (played by Josh Brolin) out deer hunting comes across the scene, and finds the money and takes off with it, trying to figure a way to get out of town before its owner tries to come claim it. Tommy Lee Jones plays the local sheriff Ed Tom. He finds the scene a day or so later, but now the drugs, and money is gone. Bad guy Anton Chigurh (played by Javier Bardem) comes looking for his money and wastes no time at all finding new and fun ways to kill people in his quest for the cash.
This story is not only boring in every way possible, but it leaves about 2 dozen pieces of the puzzle left out of the final picture. It leaves another dozen questions unexplained, and then in true Hollywood fashion, completely and totally destroys the ending. You are sitting their waiting for at least the tiniest bit of closure, and bang. The movie is over with at least a chapter left to tell.
While the brothers Coen have had some success over the years with a few watchable movies ( I use “watchable” loosely ) They both seem to bend over backwards to see just exactly how bad they can make this movie, sell it to the public, and then laugh in the face of the academy as they hand them the Oscar. Can you imagine the back stage scene with these two guys holding a handful of statues hysterically laughing at them selves as though they have (and did) pull of the biggest prank of the year.
There were a few scenes in which the key actors had some good dialogue, and other scenes that were just strange enough to keep your attention, but when it is all over with, I personally felt violated, and wanting to take a shower. There are no saving graces with this film. It was shot horribly, there was nothing but a bunch of bleak desert scenes, and the story line was a joke from front to back. Normally when a movie is this bad, I refuse to post a review on my web site, but the thought that a single dollar more is earned by people going to rent or buy this tripe, just makes me ill so I’m hoping to stop a few of you from wasting your time. If you do watch it, do not say you were not warned.
My rating for this movie is 4.00 out of 10.00
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