Kevin Costner has been one of my favorite actors throughout the years, but he is definitely on the hit or miss type. When I first heard that he was going to be playing the roll of a serial killer, I was very skeptical. I knew he probably had the acting chops for the job, but most of his rolls over the years have never really lent themselves to the “dark side” of the force. I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome.
“Mr. Brooks,” is a serial killer that wants desperately to just live a normal life. He is very well off, and in the film was recently voted “Man of the year,” but the dark side of him, or in this case his alter ego Marshall (played by William Hurt) constantly battles with him. There are many great scenes of dialogue between the two and makes for great suspense.
Brooks, finally decides that he must placate Marshall by killing his final victims, and then give up his secret life once and for all, but there are circumstances that happen, that make this almost impossible. I nosey photographer captures one of his killings on film, and now wants in on the act. To top things all off, he has a tenacious cop Tracy Atwood (played by Demi More who is constantly hot on his trail.
While Demi’s roll could have been cut completely from the movie as far as I’m concerned, I guess Director Bruce Evans figured what good would a serial killer movie be without someone trying to catch him. So be it. Her acting was basic at best, and will not be the road back to fame as she continues to slip down the slope of tabloid infamy.
I need to add to this that William Hurt did a fantastic job as Brook’s alter ego. I think in the long run, he was the glue that put this movie into the watchable V unwatchable category. Do not mistake this for a movie of the year or anything like that, but if you like a good suspense physiological thriller, and have not yet had a chance to check this one out, rent it for a weekend movie.
When all is said and done, the hallowed movie critics (cough cough) were once again totally wrong. They blasted this movie clean from the water, when in fact it is a very watchable and entertaining movie.
My rating for this movie is 7.00 out of 10.00
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